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Our Directors

Carlos & Emily Sarmiento

Founder and Directors of the Orlando House of Prayer Missions Base

     Carlos has been preaching God’s Word since 1982 both nationally and internationally. In July of 1986 Carlos received the call to full-time ministry under the leadership of Pastor Benny Hinn. After nine years of serving faithfully at Orlando Christian Center (1986-1995), Carlos stepped out and began to travel full time with Reviving This Generation Ministries. RTG was a revivalistic missions-focused ministry with numerous open doors to preach the word of God with signs and wonders all throughout the US, Canada, Caribbean Islands, South America and Russia. The ministry of the Holy Spirit in confirming the word of God has been evident with many receiving healing and miracles. Carlos’ messages carries a strong revelation of the Grace of God as well as impacting those he ministers to with a deep understanding of God’s love and radical call to a life of intimacy and total abandonment to God’s purposes.


Five years later, the Lord began to do a “new thing” in Carlos and Emily. Through much prayer and godly counsel from respected ministry leaders God confirmed His will for them to launch a Church in Ocoee, Florida. Living Waters Church was birthed on April 23, 2000 on an Easter Sunday morning with 97 people in attendance.

“take four steps toward this platform… one, two, three, four, STOP! For thus says the Lord; You have had four major steps in ministry, but the next one will be the biggest step ever. It will take you to the place where you have dreamed of. For the miraculous will flow out of you like water. Like Peter, God is releasing a faith in you to walk on water. Tens of thousands of young people will be touched by your steps of obedience.” - Kim Clement

Name, Title

In May 2005, Carlos was given a heavenly encounter that clarified and redirected the heart and activities of the ministry. From this encounter, the Holy Spirit clearly revealed the five core values that the Orlando House of Prayer (OHOP) would embrace. Kingdom values that emphasize Intimacy with God (fist commandment), Character of the Kingdom, End-Time Urgency, Intercession and the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit. For three years (2005-2008) the Holy Spirit was prophetically transitioning OHOP to fully embrace their new identity as a House of Prayer Missions Base.

In February of 2008, Mike Bickle and his wife Diane from the International House of Prayer- KC came to visit the Missions Base. Together they ministered to our spiritual body and dedicated “OHOP” as a House of Prayer.

A key emphasis of OHOP is to see messengers raised up in every sphere of society for the end-time harvest of souls. Carlos and Emily are fervent to carry out the mandate that the Lord has released upon him in order to see the Body of Christ prepared as the Bride of Christ.











They also emphasize the message of Intimacy as well as Equipping and Releasing Prophetic Messengers that are grounded in the revelation of Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit through a lifestyle of Prayer and living out the first commandment.


Carlos also is the founder of

Forerunner Messenger Alliance


Carlos travels both nationally and internationally. You can visit his website at:


*Click the link below for downloadable photos for marketing, and promotional purposes in promoting events Carlos will be ministering.



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