In order to apply, you need to:
1. Print and fill out the following documents:
- Application
- Commitment Contract
- Submit a Recent Photo of ONLY yourself
- Complete a background check form
- Have a pastor complete a pastoral recommendation form
- Submit a written testimony
(Life before Christ, When you came to Christ, Life with Christ)
2. You can turn the documents in through one of three ways:
1. You may Mail these forms to the OHOP Office by addressing it:
Attn: Charlotte Whitacre (OSM) PO Box 1206 Ocoee, Florida 34761
2. Hand Deliver You may hand deliver these documents to the OHOP Prayer Room. Place it in the afterhours dropbox located at the prayer room (336 Franklin Street, Ocoee, Fl 34761)
If it is in an envelope, address it “Attn: Charlotte Whitacre (OSM).”
3. Scan & Email - You may scan the documents and email them to OSM@OrlandoHOP.org
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call Willie Soler at 407-413-6843.
3. Pay the $99 Application fee
You may pay this fee through choosing OSM under the online giving or by writing a check to Orlando House of Prayer with “OSM” in the for line.
[Please note that we will not process your application until you pay this fee.]